![]() Exploration Through ExampleExample-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
Thu, 13 Mar 2003The conduit metaphor (continued) My earlier note looking at test-driven design in terms of the conduit metaphor has gotten more response than I expected. Tim Van Tongeren writes:
Glenn Vanderburg wrote two blog entries riffing on it (here and here). Here are a couple of quotes to give you a flavor:
I find the point about abstraction interesting. It's close to one I often make. I refer to myself as a "recovering abstractionist", so I tend to be dogged about insisting on concreteness and examples. (There are people who roll their eyes when I get on the topic.) And yet... It seems to me that tests aren't entirely concrete. They're somewhere usefully between concrete and abstract. I don't know how to talk about this, exactly - maybe the point is too abstract. But if, as I said earlier, part of the purpose of tests is to provoke a programmer to write the right program, part of the craft of test-writing is to pitch the test at the right level of abstraction (or, if you don't believe in levels of abstraction, use the right words) to help the programmer think the right thoughts and take the right actions.
## Posted at 20:14 in category /agile
Andy and Dave have put more of their IEEE Software articles up on Pragmatic Programmer.com. I quite like The Art of Enbugging (pdf) with its metaphor of "shy code". If, as I believe, the decade-or-more-long swing away from testers who can code is reversing, we have to confront the fact that way too many testers-who-can-code code badly. Testers should read Dave and Andy's book, The Pragmatic Programmer. In return, programmers should read Cem, James, and Bret's book, Lessons Learned in Software Testing. |