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exampler.com/testing-com > Test Patterns > Workshop 1 > Description [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

A Description of Test Patterns Workshop #1

Why patterns?

Patterns are a way of helping designers. They were formalized by the architect Christopher Alexander. He writes that "each pattern is a three-part rule, which expresses a relation between a certain context, a problem, and a solution."1 When done well, patterns accomplish at least three things:

  1. They provide a vocabulary for problem-solvers. "Hey, you know, we should use a Null Object."
  2. They focus attention on the forces that make up a problem. That allows designers to better understand when and why a solution applies.
  3. They encourage iterative thinking. Each solution creates a new context in which new problems can be solved.

Why test patterns?

We believe that testers lack a useful vocabulary, are hampered by rigid "one size fits all" methodologies, and face many problems whose solutions are underdescribed in the literature. Patterns can help with all of those things.

Moreover, the community of pattern writers is a healthy one that regularly spawns new and useful ideas. We testers should link up with it, and we might find its style of work useful as we look for new ideas.

What will happen at the workshop?

We will build both deliverables and community. We hope to achieve three goals:

  1. Learn to read (or "workshop") patterns. This is an essential community-building activity.
  2. Learn to write patterns and begin codifying our body of knowledge in the pattern format.
  3. Find a "sweet spot" for testing patterns. The book Design Patterns was successful and influential because it tackled a concentrated set of problems in a way many designers could immediately appreciate. We would like to do the same for testing patterns.

See the schedule for more details.

1. Christopher Alexander, The Timeless Way of Building, p. 247.

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