An occasional alternative to mocks?

I’m test-driving some Rails helpers. A helper is a method that runs in a context full of methods magically provided by Rails. Some of those methods are of the type that’s a classic motivation for mocks or stubs: if you don’t want them to blow up, you have to do some annoying behind-the-scenes setup. (And because Rails does so much magic for you, it can be hard for the novice to have a clue what that setup is for helpers.)

Let’s say I want a helper method named reference_to. Here’s a partial “specification”: it’s to generate a link to one of a Certification's associated users. The text of the link will be the full name of the user and the href will be the path to that user’s page. I found myself writing mocks along these lines:

     and_return("**the right path**")
     with(@originator.full_name, "**the right path**").

But then it occurred to me: The structure I’m building is isomorphic to the call trace, so why not replace the real methods with recorders? Like this:

  def user_path(keys)
    "user_path to #{keys.canonicalize}"

  def link_to(*args)
    "link to #{args.canonicalize}"

  def test_a_reference_is_normally_a_link
    assert_equal(link_to(@originator.full_name, user_path(:id => @originator.login)),
                 reference_to(@cert, :originator))

This test determines that:

  • the methods called are the right ones to implement the specified behavior. There’s a clear correspondence between the text of the spec (”generate a link to”) and calls I know I made (link_to).

  • the methods were called in the right order (or in an order-irrelevant way).

  • they were called the right number of times.

  • the right arguments were given.

So, even though my fake methods are really stubs, they tell you the same things mocks would in this case. And I think the test is much easier to grok than code with mocks (especially if I aliased assert_equal to assert_behaves_like).

What I’m wondering is how often building a structure to capture the behavior of the thing-under-test will be roughly as confidence-building and design-guiding as mocks. The idea seems pretty obvious (even though it took me forever to think of it), so it’s probably either a bad idea or already widely known. Which?

Alternately, I’m still missing the point of mocks.

P.S. For tests to work, you have to deal with the age-old problems of transient values (like dates or object ids) and indeterminate values (like the order of elements in a printed hash). I’m fortunate in that I’m building HTML snippets out of simple objects, so this seems to suffice:

class Object
  def canonicalize; to_s; end

class Array
  def canonicalize
    collect { | e | e.canonicalize }

class Hash
  def canonicalize
    to_a.sort_by { | a | a.first.object_id }.canonicalize

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