![]() Exploration Through ExampleExample-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
Thu, 25 Sep 2003Agile testing directions: technology-facing product critiques
Part 6 of a series As an aid to conversation and thought, I've been breaking one topic, "testing in agile projects," into four distinct topics. Today I'm finishing the right side of the matrix with product critiques that face technology more than the business. I've described exploratory testing as my tool of choice for business-facing product critiques. But while it may find security problems, performance problems, bugs that normally occur under load, usability problems (like suitability for color-blind people), and the like, I wouldn't count on it. Moreover, these "ilities" or non-functional or para-functional requirements tend to be hard to specify with examples. So it seems that preventing or finding these bugs has been left out of the story so far. Fortunately, there's one quadrant of the matrix left. (How convenient...) The key thing, I think, about such non-functional bugs is that finding them is a highly technical matter. You don't just casually pick up security knowledge. Performance testing is a black art. Usability isn't a technical subject in the sense of "requiring you to know a lot about computers", but it does require you to know a lot about people. (Mark Pilgrim's Dive Into Accessibility is a quick and pleasant introduction that hints at how much richness there is.) Despite what I often say about agile projects favoring generalists, these are areas where it seems to me they need specialists. If security is important to your project, it would be good to have visits from security experts, people who have experience with security in many domains. (That is, security knowledge is more important than domain knowledge.) These people can teach the team how to build in security as well as test whether it has in fact been built in. (It's interesting: my impression is that these fields have less of a separation between the "design" and "critique" roles than does straight functional product development. It seems that Jakob Nielsen writes about both usability design and usability testing. The same seems true of security people like Gary McGraw and maybe Bruce Schneier, although James Whittaker seems to concentrate on testing. I wonder if my impression is valid? It seems less true of performance testers, though the really hot-shot performance testers I know seem to me perfectly capable of designing high-performance systems.) So it seems to me that Agility brings nothing new to the party. These specialties exist, they're developed to varying degrees, they deserve further development, and their specialists have things well in hand. It may be a failure of imagination, but I think they should continue on as they are.
It seems I've finished my series about future directions for Agile testing. But there remains one last installment: do I think, in the end, that there should be testers in Agile projects? It's a hot issue, so I should address it. |