Exploration Through Example

Example-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
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Sat, 26 Mar 2005

Design-Driven Test-Driven Design (Part 2)

For background, see the first installment
and the table of contents in the right sidebar.

When working on a Fit test in the "flow" style (step-by-step tests), it's my custom to start by creating empty methods for each of the steps in the test. I do that because I usually find something I don't like about the test, and I'd rather discover that early.

Here's the resulting Fit output:


At the beginning of the day, the caregiver navigates to the the SOAP context and fills in today's SOAP.

the starting context is inpatient
choose patient Betsy with owner Rankin
now the patient detail context names Betsy expected
should return a patient actual

navigate to the SOAP context
etc. etc. etc.

As I was writing the Java code for this most rudimentary DoFixture, I noticed that the methods fell into groups. In what follows, I've separated those groups with rules.

package com.testingthought.humble.fixtures.dofixtures;

import fit.DoFixture;
import fit.Parse;

public class InteractionDesign extends DoFixture {

    // --------------
    public void theStartingContextIs(String contextName) {

    public void navigateToTheContext(String contextName) {

    public String theContextBecomes(String ContextName) {
        return "some visibility";

    // --------------
    public void choosePatientWithOwner(String animalName, String ownerName) {

    // --------------
    public String thePatientDetailContextNames() {
        return "should return a patient";

    public String thePatientDetailContextShows() {
        return "should return a record";

    public void chooseToEnterANewRecord() {

    public String bothTheContextAndTheContextAre(
            String firstContext, String secondContext) {
        return "some visibility";

    // --------------
    public void recordThatTheAnimalIs(
            String threeCharacteristics) {

    public void recordThatItsTemperatureIs(String value) {

    public void indicateThatTheSOAPIsFinished() {

    // aliases for check - this is a clever hack due
    // to Rick Mugridge.
    public void now(Parse cells) throws Exception {

    public void noteThat(Parse cells) throws Exception {

Except for the first one, the different groups talk about different interaction contexts. I could add comments to explain that, like this:

    // navigation
    // inpatient context
    // patient detail context
    // soap entry context

But that would be wrong. To my mind, all the groups but one are crying out to be extracted into classes. Those classes sure look like they'll become the Presenter objects that are going to implement our interaction contexts. I'll extract them next time.

In the meantime, I've packaged up everything in a zip file. Feel free to fiddle. There's an ant build file in the top-level directory. The default target compiles any changed files, runs junit, then runs Fit. (I like to run junit before Fit, figuring that there's no point in running Fit if any junit tests are failing.) All the jar files you need should be in the jars directory.

The test results for each HTML file in the fit-tests directory are in a file with the same name in the fit-test-results directory.

## Posted at 16:54 in category /fit [permalink] [top]

Guy Steele, Tester

Ever since I read the "lambda the ultimate" papers back in my Lisp days, I've been awed by Guy Steele. So I read this with interest:

He also has an ability to focus very systematically on what he describes as "nits and corner cases" -- an ability that came in handy when he was asked to co-write the specification for the Java language.

"I pestered James [Gosling] with lots and lots of questions," he recalls. "How does the language behave when you write this particular statement, even though you'd never think of writing it in a real program?"

His aim was to eliminate unintended consequences.

"I made a big matrix," he says. "The rows were the places you could use a type [a description of the set of values a variable can take on] and the columns were the kinds of types you could write. Then I checked each entry in the matrix to make sure the specification addressed what happened in that case.

I was pleased to read that because one of my habits is to take any state diagram I get and turn it into a state table. The state table contains a square for every event in every state. It forces you to question what really happens in that case. (And you should be careful not to leap to the conclusion that "it's impossible".) State diagrams, in contrast, make it easier not to think about a case - a missing arc is much less visible than an empty cell.

Such trudging-through-gruntwork is characteristic of testers, but it needn't be isolated to them. It should be a property of the team. I post the above quote to make it more glamourous.

Of interest to those who promote the idea that programmers should practice, as musicians do, is this:

Steele, a 10-year Sun veteran and winner of the 2005 Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award, has written half a dozen programming languages that exist simply as folders in his filing cabinet.

"Designing technically competent programming languages is not that difficult," he says.

To him they're like the finger exercises he used to do when he played the piano -- a way to learn.

A final note: he has a huge shower, in which he spends about twelve hours a day. I don't absolutely know that, but I deduce it from the time I heard him say he only gets good ideas in the shower.

## Posted at 12:28 in category /testing [permalink] [top]

About Brian Marick
I consult mainly on Agile software development, with a special focus on how testing fits in.

Contact me here: marick@exampler.com.




Agile Testing Directions
Tests and examples
Technology-facing programmer support
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Business-facing product critiques
Technology-facing product critiques
Testers on agile projects

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Working your way out of the automated GUI testing tarpit
  1. Three ways of writing the same test
  2. A test should deduce its setup path
  3. Convert the suite one failure at a time
  4. You should be able to get to any page in one step
  5. Extract fast tests about single pages
  6. Link checking without clicking on links
  7. Workflow tests remain GUI tests
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Design-Driven Test-Driven Design
Creating a test
Making it (barely) run
Views and presenters appear
Hooking up the real GUI


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