Wed, 19 Jul 2006
Agile 2006 Topics
Here are things on my mind these days. If you're at Agile 2006,
and you have experience to offer, please let me listen to your story.
When people start working on business-facing tests, where do
they end up? I'd like to hear stories of what you tried, what
you persisted in doing, what you slid back from, what you
rightfully rejected.
(Background: I don't have the same knowledge of the steady state
of testing as I do of other aspects of the project. For example,
if you told me you have standups, but didn't pair, I'd
shrug. Not unusual. If you told me your team always programmed
in pairs but didn't have standups, I'd be surprised. For
business-facing testing, I don't know what to be surprised at
and what to shrug at.)
Part of what happens in some Agile projects is a transition from this
style of testing:
to this:
In the first, there's a limited amount of testing, almost
exclusively manual, through the same interface the user uses. The
transition is to a lot more automated testing of pieces of the
system and fewer end-to-end tests (be they automated, manual
exploratory, or a combination). This frequently causes
concern: how will we be sure the pieces fit together?
What happened in your project? Did the concern go away? Was
it time that did it, or did you find some other way to convince
people? What did you do before the concern went away?
Tell me the story of your product director. How uncomfortable
was she at the start? What were her big worries? How comfortable
did she get? How did that happen?
Thanks. I should be easy to spot. I still look roughly like the
picture at the top of the page, though with a mustache and dorky
goatee now. Something like this:
## Posted at 16:05 in category /conferences