![]() Exploration Through ExampleExample-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
Tue, 02 Jan 2007The Agile 2007 submission deadline is January 26th August 13 - 17, Washington, DC, Marriott Renaissance Hotel
Agile software development focuses on delivering business value early and often in the project lifetime with the ability to incorporate emergent requirements. It accentuates the use of rich, informal communication channels and frequent delivery of running, tested systems, while attending to the human aspect of software development. Agile 2007 is the premier conference for people who are using, or wish to use, agile development principles to improve software development. The agile community will gather at Agile 2007 to share techniques and technologies, research and experience, and innovations for the managerial and technical sides of agile software development. Agile 2007 seeks proposals for a wide range of topics including: developing, testing, individuals and teams, customers, planning, leadership, learning, innovation, process and process improvement, organizational change, project management, retrospectives, remote collaboration, and offshoring. We invite submissions covering all aspects of agile methods in the following categories:
Detailed calls for proposals for all submission types are available at http://www.agile2007.org. Proposals will be peer-reviewed and a selection will be made to create a highly relevant conference program for beginners to experts in the area of agile methods. Important Deadlines:January 26, 2007: Deadline for all submissions (except Research-in-Progress Workshop and Vendor Talks) March 1, 2007: Vendor Talk submissions due April 2, 2007: Notification of acceptance for submissions May 14, 2007: Camera-ready manuscripts due for Research Papers, Experience Reports and Educators Symposium Papers May 25, 2007: Notification of acceptance for Research-in-Progress Workshop June 22, 2007: Camera-ready manuscripts due for Research-in-Progress papers August 13-17, 2007: Conference
## Posted at 09:52 in category /conferences