Exploration Through ExampleExample-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
Tue, 20 May 2003I'm on the program committee for the Agile Development Conference. One of my duties - or, in this case, a pleasure - has been to shepherd some experience report papers. I want to single out two. After the conference, the authors have agreed to send copies to people who request them. (But I think you should go to the conference and hear them in person.) As an anti-spam measure, I've intermixed "marick" and "testing" in their email addresses. Christian Sepulveda (csepulvmarick@testingatdesigntime.com) writes about his experience doing remote agile development. He is the remote team lead for a group in a different city. He talks about why they went that route, how they've made it work, and problems they've encountered. Jeff Patton (JPattonMarick@testingtomax.com) writes about how you can vary scope in fixed-scope, fixed-cost contractual development. The desire to fix every vertex of the cost-scope-quality triangle is due to distrust. How can you start from a distrustful position and move to a trusting one that allows tradeoffs? Jeff provides specific techniques.
## Posted at 09:24 in category /agile
Ward's FIT framework has gotten some press from Jon Udell. He proposes that tests be used to detect Windows rot as configurations change. The article kind of muddles together several issues, but it has some nice links. I want to mention that FIT and acceptance testing will be featured parts of XP Fest at XP/Agile Universe. XP Fest is being organized by Ward, Rob Mee, Adam Williams, and me, so I want to plug it. Come join us. |