This group is to serve those people whose role on an agile team is to
guide the project. They're called, variously, "customers", "product
owners", "business experts", "Goal Donors", etc. It's a really hard
job, so this group is for those people to ask questions, share ideas,
and describe their experiences.
A typical conversational thread might start with one customer saying,
"I am having real trouble explaining my stories clearly enough that
they're really 'done' when the programmers think they're finished. For
example, [...]. What do other people do?" Then other people on other
projects will share tricks of the trade.
This group isn't only for customers. Having worked with customers on past projects, programmers, testers, and managers can help other customers today. But this is not a group *about* customers; it's a group *for* them. The acid test for posting should be: "Will my words, read today, help some customer on some project do her job better?"