![]() Exploration Through ExampleExample-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
Sat, 28 Aug 2004I'm uncomfortable with public talk about politics, but this election is especially important. I've long been broadly sympathetic to Democratic goals, yet often suspicious of Democratic approaches and reflexes. I've voted for candidates of both major parties. Until this year, I'd never put a political bumper sticker on my car (unless you count "Free the Mouse"), and I'd never donated a dime to any politician or party. Now I find myself with Kerry bumper stickers on both cars and a big credit card bill for donations. The current administration is incompetent at policy execution, especially at sweating the details, especially at keeping ideology from interfering with practical results, especially at adjusting when circumstances change. That's my core objection, pragmatist that I am, but I can also be a stiff-necked moralist. This administration promised to bring honor and dignity back to the White House. They did not. They evade responsibility. They are willing to benefit from the dirty work of others. They resolutely not-quite-lie to create beliefs (like an involvement of Iraq in 9/11), or they withhold information it is their duty to disclose (like the true cost of the Medicare bill). They pander to the country's moral flaws of fearfulness and spite. Condemning others while taking the easy path is not honorable. They're my employees, they've done a lousy job, and I want to fire them. I now return to my normal topics. |