![]() Exploration Through ExampleExample-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
Sun, 18 Feb 2007Two interviews with me recently went online. The first, at On Ruby, is about Ruby, amazingly enough. Also about Everyday Scripting with Ruby. The second is from Dr. Dobb's and is mainly about testing in Agile projects. A lot of overlap with this blog.
## Posted at 14:05 in category /misc
Tue, 13 Feb 2007
## Posted at 20:47 in category /misc
Fri, 09 Feb 2007A really nice example of an interaction bug From Joe Loughry in Risks Digest (via Paul Czyzewski):
I'm also fond of being able to guess passwords using virtual memory.
## Posted at 14:21 in category /misc
Wed, 07 Feb 2007
Yeah, I know, this might be another of those bureaucratic mixups that gets fixed when publicized, or something blown out of proportion, but at some point, you start to wonder if those who profess such support for the troops actually view them as game pieces rather than people.
## Posted at 09:28 in category /misc
Thu, 25 Jan 2007
## Posted at 19:29 in category /misc
Thu, 04 Jan 2007In November, the people of the United States elected the 110th Congress, which has just been sworn in. More, they sent a message, loud and clear: it's time for people to take responsibility for their screwups and be specific about why anyone should believe they'll do better going forward. With this note, I obey the people's command. I most regret these two failures from last year:
Your turn, Mr. President.
## Posted at 21:53 in category /misc
Wed, 13 Dec 2006Plucked from the bottom of mail from Pete McBreen: "For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three." - Alice Kahn
## Posted at 12:26 in category /misc
Tue, 12 Dec 2006This is an editorial that expanded on an offhand earlier post. It was rejected. While it does have two potentially offensive analogies, I figure I have more leeway in what I publish here. It's had a postscript added and is now filled with hyperlink goodness. A recent UN report states that "New explosive devices are now used in Afghanistan within a month of their first appearing in Iraq." (Reuters, September 27, 2005). Compare that to the rate of diffusion of technology in our field. I'll use continuous integration as an example. It's a well-established technology that's easy to deploy, is practically without risk, has considerable benefit, was first widely described in 2000, and has had a solid open source tool supporting it for at least three years. But there's a reasonable chance you've never heard of it. (Note: true of original audience; likely not true of this blog's audience.) If you tried to deploy it, it might well take months and months to get permission, to round up a build machine, and to get the first people using it. Something is desperately wrong with this picture. Why is it that people living in isolated harsh conditions where people are trying to kill them can move faster than we can in our offices? John Robb, a software executive and former Air Force counterterrorism operative, describes what the guerrillas do as open-source warfare, and he's developed a rather elaborate theory of how that works. One underpinning of the theory is what he calls primary loyalties. "A primary loyalty is a connection to a non-state group that is greater than loyalty to a state. These loyalties include those to clan, religion, tribe, neighborhood gang, etc. These loyalties are reciprocated through the delivery of political goods [...] by the group that the state cannot or will not deliver." Professional-class employees like you and me once had something like a primary loyalty to our employer, especially if it was a large company. In the US and elsewhere, that employer delivered "goods" to us like steady employment, guaranteed pension, medical care, a career path, and the training we needed to advance along it. Under Anglo-American capitalism, at least, corporations no longer deliver many of those things. Instead, as is described in Jacob Hacker's The Great Risk Shift, companies have given us the opportunity and responsibility to provide those things for ourselves. For example, instead of being given a guaranteed pension, we're given money to invest. If we invest well, we'll end up with more retirement money than the pension a company would have given us; if not, well, tough luck. Whether that's a good or bad shift, employees have acted like people in Iraq and other failed states: they've shifted their primary loyalty elsewhere. In the US, we've seen rising nationalism, increased devotion to religious groupings, and more loyalty to political "tribes" (though not increased formal party membership). None of those loyalties have anything to do with work. Therefore, according to Robb, we're missing a key part of the infrastructure that supports fast diffusion and implementation of technologies at the office. I think that's bad. We need groups that deliver the goods and are deserving of loyalty. Existing structures (unions, professional societies) aren't working, and I'm loathe to wait for them to start. The best I can offer is the autonomous team. I'm not talking about collections of individuals who've sleepwalked through "team-building exercises," but actual teams that work together very closely (often in pairs), learn together quickly, and provide cover for each other. When a team is working, the business comes to view it as a single specialist, a unit, with authority over what happens within itself. If the team decides to try continuous integration, it will deploy it without ever thinking to ask permission. I acknowledge that it's offensive, at some gut level, to suggest emulating killers. But if this decade has a notable example of the "learning organization", it is—sadly—groups of insurgent cells with high internal loyalty and loose connections to both each other and also to the overarching sources of goals and funding. P.S. John Robb's ideas haven't convinced me yet—sometimes his analogies seem more than a bit strained—but you may find his site worth a read. Hacker's notion of a risk shift has also drawn some scorn, though that particular link misses the point that matters to me. If you're an investor in the stock market, you expect stocks with higher volatility to pay higher returns over time. The higher returns are your payment for accepting higher volatility, usually tagged as "risk". What I take from Hacker is that a career today has higher volatility than in the past, but that higher risk has not come with significantly higher returns—instead, the US real median income has increased by 31% from 1967 to 2005 (source, PDF, p. 5). That's an annual real return of 0.6%. For comparison, that's a bit less than the real return on short-term US Treasury bills, historically the world's least risky investment.
## Posted at 07:53 in category /misc
Mon, 11 Dec 2006My wife is writing the chapter on mammary gland health and disorders for Large Animal Internal Medicine, a standard reference. Her current draft is 119 double-spaced pages. It has 532 citations. The scary thing is how much she remembers—off the top of her head—about the contents of the papers. She is truly a fox. Me, I can barely remember the difference between Facade and Adapter.
## Posted at 14:14 in category /misc
Thu, 30 Nov 2006Did I say "Scripting for Testers"?
I hope testers still pick it up. The subtitle says "for teams, testers, and you", which helps Google find it when you type in "scripting for testers." (It's the top hit.) Sadly, the scheduled ship date is a bit after Christmas. Since it would be sad if testers didn't get the book under their tree, we've decided to delay the holiday. Thanks to those who helped me on it: Mark Axel, Tracy Beeson, Michael Bolton, Paul Carvalho, Tom Corbett, Bob Corrick, Lisa Crispin, Paul Czyzewski, Shailesh Dongre, Gunjan Doshi, Danny Faught, Zeljko Filipin, Pierre Garique, George Hawthorne, Paddy Healey, Andy Hunt, Jonathan Kohl, Bhavna Kumar, Walter Kruse, Jody Lemons, Iouri Makedonov, Chris McMahon, Christopher Meisenzahl, Grigori Melnik, Sunil Menda, Jack Moore, Erik Petersen, Bret Pettichord, Alan Richardson, Paul Rogers, Tony Semana, Kevin Sheehy, Jeff Smathers, Daniel Steinberg, Mike Stok, Paul Szymkowiak, Dave Thomas, Jonathan Towler, and Glenn Vanderburg. UPDATE: People have pointed out the lack of links. I am a master of Marketing. |