Wed, 07 Feb 2007
Small stories
I often find myself
coaching product
directors in how to break up features into bite-sized
stories. Usually we take one of their features and break it
up. Here is
an example of doing that. It shows the stories, the kind of
explanatory sketches
I'd expect to see on a whiteboard, and commentary. May it be of use to
your product director.
## Posted at 12:39 in category /agile
Welcome home, troops
In response to continuing financial strains, U.S. Army Europe has
canceled all welcome home celebrations for units returning from
deployment through this fiscal year, halting the tradition of free
food, rides and other community festivities for returning soldiers and
their families. [...]
One of the largest units to be affected by the decision will be the
1st Armored Division's 1st Brigade, based in Friedberg,
Germany. Deployed since January of 2006, brigade soldiers found out in
September that their deployment would be extended by about six weeks,
bringing them home in March instead of January this year. [...]
In Baumholder, Germany, where the 2nd Brigade is based, local
leadership is considering some sort of potluck supper for the
returning company in place of a command-sponsored event, said Ignacio
Rubalcava, a spokesman for the Baumholder garrison. [...]
But any kind of potluck for the company and its family members would
have to be funded and supported by people in the community, he said.
"Potluck is potluck, and people would bring it on a voluntary basis,"
Rubalcava said. "I think they're going to pull it off somehow."
Yeah, I know, this might be another of those bureaucratic mixups that
gets fixed when publicized, or something blown out of proportion,
some point,
you start to wonder if those who profess such support for the
troops actually view them as game pieces rather than people.
## Posted at 09:28 in category /misc