![]() Exploration Through ExampleExample-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
Sat, 22 Jan 2005I would like testers on an agile project to be able to code, preferably in some scripting language like Ruby or Python, secondarily in the languages their programmers are using to write products. In a note on the software testing list, Cem Kaner challenged that assumption. Here's my interpretation of his point. It may not be a correct interpretation, but it's the one I want to address. As Bret Pettichord has pointed out (PDF), testers tend to be generalists. They know testing, but they also need to know the product's business domain. They might have a wide though uneven understanding of technology issues (like differences between Windows NT and Windows 2000, or between IE and Firefox). They need to have the "soft skill" of interpreting the desires of multiple interest groups because part of what they're doing is looking for the Customer's mistakes. As I've been learning from Jeff Patton, they ought to have some background in user-centered design. They're likely to switch projects more often than programmers, so they also need to be quick studies (which Bret also notes). So why then do people like me make such a big deal out of programming?
On balance, it seems to me that programming is underemphasized as a part of a balanced tester's skill set. So I am justified in emphasizing it. I suspect programming is singled out because of historical accident, though my hunch may be skewed by the circles in which I've moved. This is what I saw:
History needn't be destiny. |