Exploration Through Example

Example-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
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Tue, 06 Jun 2006

Three ages of programming

Let's pretend there have been three ages of programming: the Age of the Library, the age of the Framework, and the Age of the Scrapheap. They correspond to three ages of documentation: the Age of Javadoc, the Age of Javadoc (plus the occasional tutorial), and the Age of Ant.

The first substantial program I ever wrote was a reimplementation of Plato Notes (think USENET news) for the TOPS-10 operating system. To do that, I only had to learn two things: Hedrick's Souped Up Pascal and the operating system's API. I don't remember the documentation for Hedrick's Pascal - probably I mainly used Jensen and Wirth. If you've read most any book defining a programming language, you'd recognize the style. The operating system was documented with a long list of function calls and what they do. Anyone who's seen Javadoc would find it unsurprising—and vice-versa.

This style of documentation says nothing in particular about how to organize your program or how the pieces should fit together. The next Age provides more structure in the form of frameworks. JUnit is a familiar example: you get a bunch of classes that work together but leave some unfilled blanks, and you construct at least a part of your application by filling in those blanks. A framework will usually come with Javadoc (or the equivalent for the framework's language). There's likely to be some sort of tutorial cookbook that shows you how to use it, plus—if you're lucky—a mailing list for users.

The third age is the age of Scrapheap Programming (named after a workshop run by Ivan Moore and Nat Price at OOPSLA 2005). In this style, you weave together whole programs and large chunks of whole programs to solve a problem. (See Nat's notes.) The scraps have a sideways influence on structure: unlike frameworks, they are not intended to shape the program that uses them. But they have a larger influence on the structure than the APIs do. APIs still allow the illusion of top-down programming, where you match the solution to the problem and don't worry about the API until you get close to the point where you use it. In Scrapheap programming, it seems you rummage through the scrapheap looking for things that might fit and structure the solution around what you find.

What of documentation? Programming has always benefited from a packrat memory. One of the first things I did in my first Real Job was to read all the Unix manpages, sections 1-8, and just last year I surprised myself by remembering something I'd probably learned in 1981 and never used since. But I'm not so good at learning by using, which seems more important in scrapheap programming than in the previous ages.

There are two parts to that learning. You need to somehow use the world to direct your attention to those tools that will be useful someday: Greasemonkey, Cygwin, Prototype, and the like. Next, you have to play with them efficiently so that you quickly grasp their potential and their drawbacks.

Perhaps what's needed today is not only a Programming Language of the Year club, but a Dump Picking of the Month club. I'm fighting the temptation to start one right now.

There's a variant of dump picking that plays to my strengths. Once last month, I was faced with a problem and I said "Wait - I remember reading that RubyGems does this. I wonder how?" A short search of the source later, and I found some code to copy into my program. Last week I used something Rake does to guide me to a solution to a different problem.

Which raises another issue of skill. I'm halfway good at understanding Ruby code, even at figuring out why a Ruby app isn't working. As I've discovered when looking for a Java app to demonstrate TDD, I'm much worse at dealing with Java apps. When I download one, type 'ant test', and see about 10% of the tests fail (when none should), I don't know the first obvious thing a Java expert would do.

I liken this to patterns. There was a time when the idea of Composite was something you had to figure out instead of just use. There was a time when Null Object was an Aha! idea. As happened with small-scale program design, the tricks of the trade of learning code need to be (1) pulled out of tacit knowledge, (2) written down, (3) learned how to be taught, and (4) turned into a card game. I don't know who's working on that. A couple of sources come to mind: Software Archaeology, by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, and Software Archaeology, by Andy Schneider.

## Posted at 21:34 in category /coding [permalink] [top]

About Brian Marick
I consult mainly on Agile software development, with a special focus on how testing fits in.

Contact me here: marick@exampler.com.




Agile Testing Directions
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Working your way out of the automated GUI testing tarpit
  1. Three ways of writing the same test
  2. A test should deduce its setup path
  3. Convert the suite one failure at a time
  4. You should be able to get to any page in one step
  5. Extract fast tests about single pages
  6. Link checking without clicking on links
  7. Workflow tests remain GUI tests
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Design-Driven Test-Driven Design
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