Example-driven development, Agile testing, context-driven testing, Agile programming, Ruby, and other things of interest to Brian Marick
Pictures of team rooms, walls, etc.
Here are three sites that use pictures to show what Agile artifacts and physical environments look like.
Bill Wake Rachel Davies William Pietri
## Posted at 07:20 in category /agile [permalink] [top]
Wayne Allen James Bach Laurent Bossavit William Caputo Mike Clark Rachel Davies Esther Derby Michael Feathers Developer Testing Chad Fowler Martin Fowler Alan Francis Elisabeth Hendrickson Grig Gheorghiu Andy Hunt Ben Hyde Ron Jeffries Jonathan Kohl Dave Liebreich Jeff Patton Bret Pettichord Hiring Johanna Rothman Managing Johanna Rothman Kevin Rutherford Christian Sepulveda James Shore Jeff Sutherland Pragmatic Dave Thomas Glenn Vanderburg Greg Vaughn Eugene Wallingford Jim Weirich
Software Practice Advancement